Friday, August 14, 2015

TGIF: Dance The Day Away

A is for apple, crisp and sweet

Once again it's time to celebrate 5 Things To Be Thankful For This Friday! TGIF, everyone!

1. Crisp apples

I made a delicious salad this week that featured some apples which I found at the store. They were Fuji apples, my favorite kind, and their flavor was so sweet and intense that they really stood out in the salad. Here's a delicious Apple and Ham Salad recipe!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Painful Loss Of Atiya The Guinea

A guinea hen surveying her domain - OpenCage, A-Z Animals

On Sunday tragedy hit the Girlz Best Friend family. One of our beloved guinea hens, Atiya, went missing. I searched for her for hours, scouring every inch of the surrounding woods and bushes, but there wasn't any sign of her. My sister came out to help me look and I brought my dog, Hailey, who has an amazing talent for finding guineas but we didn't have any success locating Atiya.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rescue Pet Wednesday: 8/5/15

Hi! My name is Stormy!

Rescue Pet Wednesday is here once again! I hope you enjoy looking at this week's featured rescue pets as much as I did. If you want to help rescue animals you can adopt a rescue pet, volunteer at a local rescue organization or as a foster home, or donate to a rescue organization. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Weekly Roundup: Mutt's Are Awesome!

Photo Of The Week: An adorable mouse resting on a patch of moss!

Saturday is here, once again, and so is your Weekly Roundup of awesomeness! Enjoy...