Friday, August 14, 2015

TGIF: Dance The Day Away

A is for apple, crisp and sweet

Once again it's time to celebrate 5 Things To Be Thankful For This Friday! TGIF, everyone!

1. Crisp apples

I made a delicious salad this week that featured some apples which I found at the store. They were Fuji apples, my favorite kind, and their flavor was so sweet and intense that they really stood out in the salad. Here's a delicious Apple and Ham Salad recipe!

A cornucopia of fresh foods!

2. Farmer's markets

In the summer I get almost all of my fresh produce from the local Farmer's Market. I love wandering through the parking lot filled with booths and stalls, looking at an amazing array of fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. Piles of broccoli and cauliflower, bushel baskets filled with juicy peaches and plums, bright red tomatoes and crisp green cucumbers... It's hard to choose just one or two vegetables from the abundant bounty available.

I've got the moves like Jagger...

3. Dancing to a favorite song

They best way to unwind after a long day is often to turn on an upbeat jam and dance like nobodies watching. It boosts my mood after a stressful day and helps to energize my tired brain. Bring on the Katy Perry!


4. Amazing African animals

Lately it seems like the news is filled with people hunting lions, rhinos, giraffes, and other endangered "big game" animals. It saddens me to know that these amazing creatures lives are being snuffed out for no purpose other than the pleasure of humans. I hope that someday more people will devote their time to protecting and admiring these animals instead of hunting them.

Everything in its place...

5. File folders

As an administrative assistant I've learned an appreciation of keeping everything in it's place, and the best way to organize things is with file folders. It's always rewarding to see a huge mountain of paperwork filed, labeled, and stored in its proper file cabinet. I especially love the rainbow colored files with I use at work, they give a fun pop of color to my job every day!

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