Sunday, June 28, 2015

Book Review: "Fresh Eggs Daily" Is A Must-Read For Any Poultry Keeper

Farm fresh eggs!

When I first started raising chickens, 12 years ago, I didn't know anything about caring for poultry and there was very little information available. I made do with a few books from my local library and a lot of intuition. Then I stumbled upon Lisa Steele's website Fresh Eggs Daily which completely changed my chicken raising experience.

Fresh Eggs Daily is my favorite resource for learning about natural, healthy, chicken care. Lisa has so much amazing information on her website about using herbs, spices, and other natural treatments to prevent and treat diseases and parasites in a chicken flock. She also has tons of recipes, DIY projects, and amazing photos. If there was one blog which I had to model my own website after I would choose Fresh Eggs Daily because it's an amazing site from top to bottom.

Lisa Steele's book, titled Fresh Eggs Daily as well, is even more invaluable to my chicken flock. I purchased a copy a while ago and now I keep it on a shelf in my kitchen where it's convenient to look at whenever I need to reference something. It has amazingly comprehensive information on herbs (and all their health benefits and uses) and some recipes for natural cleaners and fly sprays which really do work! It also includes a recipe for a natural feed supplement which can be mixed up and added to the regular layer rations which you usually use.

Since I started feeding my poultry flock the herbs and other healthy foods recommended in Fresh Eggs Daily I've noticed that I'm getting more eggs than ever and have fewer illnesses and health problems in my flock. I especially noticed a marked improvement in the amount of respiratory issues which I had in my coop over the winter, a problem which has always plagued my flock because of the icy cold weather we get here in Michigan.

If you raise chickens, or any kind of poultry, for eggs (or as pets) I would definitely recommend that you check out the wealth of knowledge which is contained in Lisa Steele's book and website, Fresh Eggs Daily!

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